Luxury pre-used bags see big demand in India
Secondhand designer handbags are big business in India. My Luxury Bargain curates authentic pre-owned luxury fashion and art from across the world and brings it within reach of those who aspire to possess luxury items. Their selection of vintage, prized and pre-owned luxury fashion includes handbags, watches, jewelry and accessories from brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Goyard, Hermes, Fendi, Gucci, Burberry, Balenciaga, Tom Ford and many more.
The platform also has room for negotiation. Every product page has a negotiate tab. This allows buyers to put their best offer for an item to its seller. The average ticket price on this site for bags is Rs 45,625. The highest that a bag fetched on My Luxury Bargain was Rs 1.4 lakh for a Birkin handbag. Another platform, Confidential Couture, segregates items under never been used, gently used to fairly used. It also provides services like private viewing and handbag cleansing for clients. Another Player is Luxepolis.
On an average, customers ask for a 12 per cent discount on brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Fendi and Hermes whereas for brands like Gucci, Ferragamo, Prada and the rest, the discount requested can vary from ten per cent to as high as 45 per cent.