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Kingpins Transformers brings event for students to Amsterdam

By Aileen Yu


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Transformers:ED, the event created especially for students by Kingpins Transformers, is coming to Amsterdam. After the first edition in the UK, the event will now launch its second edition on April 24 in Amsterdam, the organization stated in a press release.

The conference, aimed at fashion students, wants to prepare young people for the future of the denim industry. For example, the event will focus on the social, environmental and economic challenges currently facing the industry.

"We held our first ED conference at Ravensbourne University in London in October 2019 and the response was overwhelming," said Andrew Olah, founder of Kingpins Transformers and Kingpins, in the press release. "More than 300 students from 30 universities and fashion programs from Europe attended and received a crash course on the state of the denim supply chain. Our goal is to prepare students for their entry into the industry with a clear understanding of the opportunities and challenges within the denim industry".

For the edition on April 24 in Amsterdam, Kingpins Transformers is partnering with House of Denim, HTNK and Denim History.

This article was originally published on FashionUnited NL. The text has been translated and edited for an international audience.

Kingpins Transformers