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Weaving on the evolution of Indian a fashion sensibility

By Meenakshi Kumar


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At the Blenders Pride Fashion Tour 2017, Abrahama & Thakore (A&T) showcased their collection at The Leela Palace. A&T draws from Indian design and craft, and has, since 1992, when the label was first launched by bringing together the synergies of modern fashion and lifestyle.

David Abraham says the collection they created for Fashion Tour revolved around how they could use block prints individually on a garment.

Abraham further says that it began when the Indian government established NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology)," says Abraham, who, along with Rakesh Thakore, is a graduate of the National Institute of Design (NID). At present India is going to be the most important market, there is a huge youth population and people are very interested in fashion. Since they have worked for such a long time with exports that the real growth is happening in the East, not the West.

According to him the designer level is basically a small-scale production, the opposite of mass production as fashion often seems to be only for a section of society, not always for the masses. The survival of luxury markets is essential to patronising weavers. Also there is quite often a misunderstanding of the term fashion. Fashion is what people are wearing on the streets.

Abraham, who stayed in Brunton road in Bengaluru before he moved to NID, says the city, has changed beyond recognition.

Abrahama & Thakore (A&T)
Fashion Show