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Woodland expands outdoor gear range

By Meenakshi Kumar


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Footwear and outdoor gear brand Woodland planning to boost its outdoor gear range by opening adventure products for outdoor and trekking fans. The company also plans to enter the high-end bicycles space in Indian within a month. New products include rugged and light weight camping kits and tents, versatile backpacks, sleeping bags and rooftop equipment. These are being offered with a tag line, ‘Explore More’.

Harkirat Singh, Managing Director, points business from demonetisation to implementation of GST has seen some volume correction. However, GST would be good in the long run and suit the kind of business where there won’t be multiple taxes. He is confident of achieving the projected volume growth with a growth target of over 15 per cent on last year sales of Rs 1,200 crore.

The new outdoor gear is being manufactured at the company's Dehradun plant with specialised materials, nylon chords imported from Korea. Initially, e-commerce was disruptive for the company, now growth in e-commerce is providing a strong channel for Woodland, he added. The company is also looking at newer retail formats including shop-in-shop mode and larger format company-owned stores. While shoes account for about 50 per cent of total business, apparel contributes about 30 per cent and the rest is from travel gear and accessories.
