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Amazon implements new policy on fragrance sales in EU and UK markets

By Don-Alvin Adegeest


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Amazon Credits: Christian Wiediger via Unsplash

Amazon's Marketplace, a platform that hosts millions of independent sellers, has long been a popular destination for consumers seeking beauty and fragrance products. However, the e-commerce giant has recently announced a significant policy change affecting the sale of certain fragrances in the European Union (EU) and United Kingdom (UK) markets. Background on Amazon Marketplace

Amazon Marketplace allows third-party sellers to list their products alongside Amazon's own offerings. While this system provides opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs, it has also presented challenges in terms of product authenticity and intellectual property rights. Customers browsing Amazon may not always be immediately aware that they are purchasing from third-party sellers rather than directly from Amazon. This lack of clarity has, at times, led to confusion about product origin and quality.

Counterfeit Concerns

The rapid growth of Amazon's marketplace has not been without controversy. As reported by the BBC, the platform has faced accusations of enabling the sale of counterfeit goods, particularly in the fragrance category. Some sellers have offered products with names, bottle designs, and logos similar to established brands, potentially misleading consumers. New EU Regulations and Amazon's Response

In response to new European Union regulations, Amazon has updated its Intellectual Property Policy for the EU and UK markets. The new policy specifically prohibits the listing of "smell-alike" perfumes that reference, imitate, or reproduce original branded fragrances. Amazon states that this change is aimed at complying with EU trademark regulations and protecting the intellectual property rights of original fragrance manufacturers.

Implementation of the New Policy

Under the updated policy, Amazon may deactivate listings for fragrances that reference or imitate the scent of an original branded product. When a listing is deactivated, the seller will receive a notification along with information on how to appeal if they believe the deactivation was made in error.

This move represents a significant shift in Amazon's approach to fragrance sales in these markets, potentially impacting a large number of third-party sellers who specialize in "inspired by" or similar fragrances.

Implications for Sellers and Consumers

The policy change is likely to have far-reaching effects on both sellers and consumers in the EU and UK fragrance markets. Sellers of imitation fragrances may need to adjust their business models or risk losing access to Amazon's substantial customer base. For consumers, this could mean a reduction in the availability of lower-priced alternatives to designer fragrances on the platform.

As this policy takes effect, it remains to be seen how it will impact the broader fragrance market on Amazon and whether similar measures will be implemented in other regions.

Intellectual Property