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The Beauty Co India redefines Beauty, Launches #UnType campaign

By Press Club


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Mumbai, December 23, 2019: The Beauty Co India rolled out a campaign #UnType with the theme that beauty is inclusive by serving a bigger purpose than selling product. The theme of the campaign is all about people feeling beautiful with their skin, loving yourself regardless of your shape, size, colour, gender & sexuality interest. The main objective of this campaign is to redefine yourself by creating your own TYPE. Beauty Co. takes an initiative to give confidence to your smile, glow to your skin and bounce to your hair to unravel your true magic within.

The campaign explains how we should change and break all types and embrace our lives with love and confidence. It also emphasizes on the segregation of types and how we shouldn’t be categorizing our self into any type. Through the series, The Beauty Co precisely highlights the importance of Beauty within and accepting yourselves and embracing yourself with pride.

Mr. Suraj Vazirani, CEO of The Beauty Co said, “Stereotypes affect the way we look at ourselves. We are constantly reminded that our gender, colour, size & sexuality interest defines us. Beauty brands play an important role in creating these stereotypes. As a beauty brand, we want to take a stand against these stereotypes. We believe that beauty is not only what we see. It’s also about what we feel. We want people to feel beautiful regardless of the stereotypes that surround them. You should step out in confidence, radiance and glow with beauty”

Press Release
the beauty co